
From friends of Smile Moon and fans of the Blog…

The “Shakwalas” say… Smile Moon’s blog has brought light to an issue that surrounds the young desi community, and she’s successfully created a forum for people to talk about dating without judgment.  Her humorous and unique writing style makes the blog entertaining even for married couples, like ourselves.  Whether you’re interested in the topic at hand, or just looking for a fun read, I would highly recommend this blog to singles, couples, South Asians, and beyond!

Ankur says… Smile Moon’s blog introduced and emphasized Vijay Uncle’s ideas on dating for me.  Dating in general is complicated, but it’s even more so in the Indian community.  Smile Moon and Vijay Uncle’s thoughts and approaches were ones I actually implemented and tried in my dating life.  I was skeptical at first but gave it a shot.  The result?  A much better dating experience that resulted in me realizing more surely and quickly that one girl in particular was definitely “the one” for me.  I proposed last year and we are getting married this year*.  Keep up the great work Smile Moon – your blog and advice is really a breath of fresh air and so practical and helpful.     * Interview with the couple to follow soon!

Rahul ( says… I am just glad Smita’s still blogging 🙂 You have no idea how much of a positive difference she’s made for South Asians all over the globe.  Her thoughts are funny, smart and tackle issues that most of us only think about but never discuss.  Being Desi in America comes with its own complications, and Smita gives us all a chance to open up, discuss, and address them.  Who else could generate 177 comments in 24 hours? 🙂 http://localhost/realtalkwithsmita-latest/comments-own-post

West Coast Desi Brother says… Smile Moon’s blog is insightful, wickedly humorous and oh-so-relevant to many of my friends who need guidance while navigating through their search for a soul mate!  Smile Moon speaks to huge numbers of South Asians in the West with a unique and long-needed forum to tackle the community’s peculiar dating challenges.

Bela Gandhi, Dating Coach, says…. Smile Moon’s blog is a breath of fresh air.   She is honest, genuine, and courageous – raising issues that affect the Southeast Asian dating community.    I met her almost exactly a year ago by chance at a NetIP function, and she “had me at hello.”  She is a great listener, and decided right then and there that she wanted to learn more about the “art & science of dating.”  She called me quickly after we met, and set up coffee at Starbucks, which led to a 3 hour discussion, and a solid friendship.   She is curious, and always looking to better herself, and share this knowledge with her readers*.  She went through the first step of our dating coaching process, and not only reported her findings, but encouraged all readers to evaluate their dating patterns.  The people that have come to me through her blog posts love the blogs, and respect her.   I have personally seen the impact of her work, and can only imagine how many others she is helping to find their way in today’s dating world.   * Check out these posts: Smile Moon Meets a MatchmakerSM Meets a Matchmaker Part 2

Kavita says… I have known Smile Moon for over 12 years now. Our friendship began with love for Bollywood (and Taco Bell!) and since then has blossomed to practically family. I have always admired Smile Moon’s emails, blogs, and general writing ability.  She can make any of her experiences/stories read like a juicy novel, where you want to get to the end but still want to read every detail in between to make sure you didn’t miss anything. When SM started the blog, I eagerly anticipated any new postings/updates as they always managed to brighten up my work day 😀 The response to her blog has been amazing… SM has been approached several times about a particular topic and discussions have taken place over the subject. The great thing about her blog is that she is writing about something that several women (desi and non-desi) think about but never speak of and through the conversation that happens in the comments after her posts, everyone in the dating scene can see that they are not alone, actually have similar view points/questions/concerns and get a chance to learn what the opposite sex is thinking… I feel like this blog opens the door to many possibilities and I hope Smile Moon continues to blog because in this day and age it is something we all need and truly appreciate.

The Girl on the Dating Treadmill says… Smile Moon has truly unveiled the life of South Asian dating in America! Being a first generation South Asian and struggling through not only pressure from the family as well as society, I find Smile Moon’s blog to be truly inspirational! She has discussed many of the hardships that South Asian’s go through when it comes to communicating, East vs. West culture, and expectations during the dating process. As I have followed her blog, I have found that I am not the only South Asian that struggles through balancing the “norms” of east vs. west dating life. Smile Moon definitely assimilates with my internal monologue!!

Samuel Park, Author This Burns My Heart (Top 100 seller on Amazon) says… From the moment I met Smile Moon, I felt like I’d encountered a kindred spirit, and her warmth, curiosity, and strength comes across in every post of Smile Moon’s World.  She has opened my eyes to the intricacies and delights of South Asian dating, and now more recently, to the perils and rewards of relationships period — I have been intrigued by the results of her surveys, by the interactivity of her blog, and an impressed by the sheer amount of information and reflection she frequently offers.  She’s on a fascinating journey, and I am glad I am able to be a part of it by reading her site.

See Comments from readers & their associated posts…

Preet:  i found your blog a fresh of breath air. you have written what seems to be hanging in the air. it seems to be very uncool to admit one wants to be married. i actually just deleted a lot of what i wrote. smilemoon.. do not back down from your thoughts… they are real. there are a lot of people who agree with you and you may just bring about a lot of change. look forward to reading more… (Sometimes I wish I was in the Motherland)

Anonymous: I know I am late coming to your blog, but I just want to say I love it and especially how you wrote this post. Thanks for breaking the ice for so many of us…I think it’s really important we as a community engage in this discussion over all generation/cultural/gender barriers. Thanks for having the courage to express what we’re all thinking anyway 🙂 (Sometimes I wish I was in the Motherland)

Anonymous: Keep posting. Stop worrying. I think creating a blog is the smartest thing you can do. It’s thinking “outside of the box” and makes you a leader. The fact that you have followers is something that is impressive to anyone.  (To Blog or Not to Blog)

Anonymous: Thanks SM for having an open discussion like this and offering and receiving insights. Make sure you write a book about this. (Reality Check)

Nilu: Very interesting read!  I am married with kids. But it’s intersting to know how the single live – to get an idea of what my kids would grow up to be, what they expect & what is to be expected of them.  Keep blogging! (The Comment That Got Its Very Own Blog Post)

Anonymous: Wow SM, I live in Canada, met you and Uncle at Netip Toronto and have been following your blog since then. I think the commenter who was your inspiration for this posting just took your blog to the next level by using the words “pure and sex.” be sure to thank her.  (The Comment That Got Its Very Own Blog Post)

Anonymous: Smile Moon – great work on the blog! You and Vijay Uncle have definitely touched a nerve, and I only hope that the singles reading are able to learn from the fascinating dialogue. Knowledge is Power!  (The Comment That Got Its Very Own Blog Post)

Nicolette saidSmile Moon, I so loved how you describe your feelings for India (and for who you are in India). I have long believed we are most ourselves when we travel…I look forward to reading as your journey unfolds!  (My Mumbai or Bust Dream); read about Nicolette (yes, she is not South Asian) & her own 6 month adventure in India – “India Journal – You’re Killing Your Mother

Interested Observer: I like the discussion (all of it). I appreciate that Indian men here are defending themselves with excellent points and this is not simply a forum for women to bemoan the Indian male. We all need to take responsibility for our own choices. We need to keep open, unbitter, unjaded minds about the opposite sex. (The Comment That Got Its Very Own Blog Post)

I am flattered and so grateful to everyone for their kind words and I am still in awe that the blog caused such a stir.