Hiya friends (frienemies, haters, whoevs),
For those of who do not know me, my name is Smita like Rita, and it has been, oh, about 7 years since I have actively written in my blog; I wrote a post or two since that time, but that was about it, and – in the interim – I used my personal Facebook page as my blog. Here’s a little backstory on that: I had first launched my blog back in 2009, and it was primarily devoted to the topic of “The Wonders and Woes of South Asian Dating” – not my dates in particular but the nuances of dating as they related to the conflict of American-upbringing vs. cultural/familial expectations; it very quickly grew to 10,000+ readers in 12 different countries and some posts received 300+ comments of folks posting anonymously (delightful things like: “Seeing by the length of your posts, you clearly neither have a job or a gym membership; tick tock, there goes the marriage clock”) all with me posting as me. These things did not dissuade me and, instead, they motivated me to keep sharing more, because I had clearly struck a chord, and, well, I am the kind of person who gets motivated by haterade.
At the current writing of this revised “about” section, I desire to date/get married NONE WHATSOEVER (that isn’t me being against either but simply that neither are an interest of mine presently), so “Smita Shares” is going to be about all of the things that I care about and love and a whole lot of RANDOMNESS.
On that note, I wanted to welcome all of you to my blog and thank you for taking the time to stop by.
Thanks for visiting!
p.s. – To learn more about me, go to About Smita Moon